How are clients using their credit cards?
How are clients using their credit cards?
We assessed UBS Evidence Lab’s Brazil Credit Card & Investment Consumer Survey to understand Brazilian credit card owners’ behaviour and usage. In the third iteration of the Brazil Credit Card & Investment Consumer Survey, UBS Evidence Lab conducted an online survey with 500 Brazilian consumers in São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro, Minas Gerais, Bahia and Pernambuco states in November and December 2022. To qualify for the survey, respondents had to be credit card owners and decision makers when selecting credit cards, bank accounts or other payment methods for their own use.
Newcomers continued to increase their share as prime credit card brands
Newcomers continued to increase their share as prime credit card brands
The latest survey showed that newcomers increased their market share as primary credit card brands to 49% in 2022 from 45% in 2021 (notably, that figure was roughly similar to their share as primary banks).
Profiles of Brazil’s credit card holders
Profiles of Brazil’s credit card holders
The survey showed that, on average, the respondent of the survey has two cards, with an average credit limit of R$6,300 (~US$1,200). UBS Evidence Lab revealed that 43% of customers (vs. 41% in 2021) were "extremely inclined" to use a credit card to make purchases with interest rate installments (if interest rates were low). That number increased to 60% including those who said they were "somewhat likely" to do so. That surprised us because we anticipated a greater resistance to paying interest. Comparatively, 83% of survey respondents were likely to buy without interest-rate installments.