Breaking the poverty cycle by investing in families in U.S.
Millions of families in the U.S. are living in poverty – including 1 in 7 children. LIFT works through direct investment in parents, through financial, educational and employment support, to ultimately support children in need for years to come.
The partner
Founded in 1998, LIFT is a national nonprofit headquartered in D.C. with sites across the U.S. LIFT’s mission is to break the cycle of poverty by investing in parents. LIFT’s one-on-one coaching program empowers parents to set and achieve goals – such as going back to school, improving credit, eliminating debt, or securing a living wage – that put their families on the path to economic mobility. LIFT advocates policy that centers the voices of low-income families and partners with health systems, colleges, and local and national governments to deliver services across the country

Project leader
Oriana Ponta
Chicago, Los Angeles, D.C., and New York (USA)
Low-income families