Portrait of Chad Sarno & Chriss Kerr
Good Catch are the ultimate culinary rebels with a cause! Making delicious, crave-worthy seafood from plants – offering the seafood experience with no harm to our sea creatures and ensuring everyone wins.
  • Humans have been eating fish for thousands of years. We now consume between 200-300 different types of sea creatures compared to roughly 30 types of land animals – but we “harvest” seafood indiscriminately and in a way that would be vilified if we did it on the land.
  • The seafood industry is riddled with problems ranging from ocean debris, overfishing, human slavery and tainted fish. One good claim cannot come close to offsetting the damaging reality of this broader industry. And while roughly 40% of the global population relies on seafood as a core protein, humans eat only a part of the fish – not the scales, eyeballs, shells and fins.
  • Realising the impact and business potential, the founders of Good Catch asked themselves the question ‘Can we revolutionize the $120 billion seafood industry with plants?’ The simple answer was that yes, they believed they could, and they started on their path to realize their global ambitions.
  • In fact they see their sole charge as being long-term sustainable behavior change away from eating animals and toward eating plants. Whatever the driver, they can support those seeking change. If you care about health, environment, sea life and animals or labor rights, the way they work addresses all of these. And they do it one meal at a time, over and over!
  • Chris and Chad came to the plant-based food world starting from different places: Chad from a health perspective and Chris from animal protection. As an entrepreneur, Chris sought solutions to bridge the chasm between his aspirations to stop eating animals and food cravings he faced every day.
  • Good Catch are already internationally recognised, winning several Nexty awards and recently became the winner of the 2021 Best Food Concept at the World Food Innovation Awards.

Good Catch work towards these UN Sustainable Development Goals:

Sustainable Development Goals

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