Am I ready for life beyond work?

Many entrepreneurs never really retire at all. There’s no need to slow down just because you’re getting older, but you might want to shift your focus. You could see the world, pursue a new hobby, or become an angel investor. But how will you fund your new lifestyle? Most of us underestimate the income we need to do the things we want. Start planning your retirement from a financial perspective now so you're one step ahead.

Questions to ask yourself

When you’re planning for a new stage in your life, it’s a good idea to start early, but there’s a lot to consider. First, ask yourself these three important questions:

Grandfather and grandson

What matters to me?

If you’ve built a successful career and you’re keen to stay busy, retirement can be about fulfilling your dreams or giving something back. Think about what makes you happiest. How do you want to spend your time? How could you focus more on the things and the people you care about?

Have I thought about healthcare?

We’re all different, so your retirement fund needs to reflect both your life expectancy and the possibility you will need healthcare.

How will I pass on my wealth?

It can be hard to find the right balance between enjoying your wealth now and setting some aside to pass on to your loved ones. What will your legacy be? How will you make sure wealth transfer happens in the way you want?

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How can wealth management help?

Very simply, we help you put a plan in place for your future retirement. Think of it like a buffer that aims to cushion any financial shocks and helps you stay on track to meet your goals.

When you choose UBS Wealth Management, you get a trusted partner who can guide your financial decisions for years to come.

Our service

Great investments don't exist in a vacuum. Our service takes in to account all your financial needs, from wealth planning to investing. We call this your total wealth solution.

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