Lady walking on wooden ramp

Achieving your life goals

Discover how to prepare financially for life’s best-laid plans and unexpected detours.

Hardly anyone follows a single, predetermined path in life. But whatever the stage: strategic planning to build your wealth in the long term and safeguard your standard of living is not easy. When planning your future, learn what financial decisions are important at different life stages.

Controlling your own finances and contracts

Graduating and starting work goes hand in hand with a greater need for basic financial services.

What sort of accounts do you need? Do you regularly use foreign currencies? What tools do you wish to access digitally whenever you like?

Using your income and making your first investments

When you start receiving an income, the question of how to invest sensibly becomes relevant.

How much risk are you able and willing to bear? What short- to medium-term goals and wishes would you like to finance?

Protecting yourself from adverse events

Standing on your own feet financially also means preparing for the unexpected.

What happens if you are unable to work? Who makes decisions for you if you are incapable of doing so yourself? What is covered by your employer and what are you responsible for yourself?

You have big plans, and we know how you can achieve them most efficiently from a financial point of view.

Savings and major expenses

Major expenses, such as buying a home, are often incurred right at the beginning of your life as a couple.
How does this impact the development of your wealth over time? Which investments support your long-term goals and financial flexibility?

Arranging your joint finances

A shared household also means shared payment flows.
Which accounts support your desired lifestyle best? Who should have access and power of attorney in order to make financial decisions on your behalf? What tools do you wish to access digitally?

A suitable set-up for a shared future

Sometimes life doesn’t go as planned. If the necessary provisions haven’t been made, it can have unwanted financial consequences.
What happens if one income dries up? Will the distribution of your estate under inheritance law match your wishes?

Things are easier when you do them together. This is true for your civil partnership as well as your wealth management.

New responsibilities

Parents want to be certain that their children will be well cared for whatever happens. It is sensible to make various provisions, especially if you have minor children.
Who will look after your children if something happens to you? Who will ensure that the assets they inherit are preserved and used properly?

Impact on your wealth

Parents’ goals often change when their children are born. They may attach great importance to their education and to fulfilling their dreams. In many cases, this is paired with a phase of reduced income.
What impact do these changed conditions have on the long-term development of your wealth?

A home of your own

A comfortable home is of inestimable value. Even when you have found your dream home, there is a series of important decisions to be made.
What is the best way to finance it? What are the tax implications? How can you make sure you can keep it if unforeseen events occur?

By starting a family, you've decided to take on more responsibility. We’ll gladly help you out.

Invest in the future

Retirement still seems a long way off. Nevertheless, it is sensible to set up your own pension arrangements at an early stage.
Which pension instruments are worth investing in? When and how much? How much opportunity do you have to influence the investment strategy? What happens if your career doesn’t go to plan?

Assets tied up in the company

Senior managers and the self-employed often have a significant proportion of their income or assets tied up.
What does this mean in fiscal terms? What scope for optimization is available as regards to timing and format?

A property for life

Many people dream of a home of their own. Before deciding on a property, a number of factors need to be considered.
What is its market value? What is the best way of financing it? Will you be able to bear the costs if your circumstances change? What tax and legal aspects need to be considered?

You are ready to invest a lot in your career. We’ll find out together how this pays off for you financially, too. 

Ensuring security for the future

Many important milestones in your family and professional life have already been reached. Now the priority is to continue to build up assets for future goals and plans.
How can you safeguard your desired standard of living over the long term? What might cause your plans to go wrong?

Optimizing the tax burden

Achieving a high level of income leads to a significant tax burden. Tax optimization is particularly worthwhile at this stage. At the same time, family members and foreign assets (if any) need to be taken into account.
What are the fiscal implications? How can you maximize your after-tax income?

Company succession planning

Handing over a company presents complex issues which require considerable time and expertise to resolve.
How can company funds be transferred into private assets in a tax-efficient way? What legal and structural obstacles need to be overcome? Who is the most suitable successor and how can this person finance the takeover?

It’s human to grow weary of too much change. In financial matters, you should therefore bet on what’s sustainable. We’ll show you how. 

Assessing the financial situation

Joint assets and retirement assets are divided on divorce. This leads to a significant change in the financial situation. At the same time, two separate households have to be financed.
What does this mean for the long-term living standards of both parties?

Reorganizing finances and contracts

During the partnership, joint accounts were used and contracts concluded. These now need to be unraveled and adapted to the new circumstances.
Are new or different accounts required? Do standing orders need to be adjusted? Should powers of attorney be canceled or changed?

Taking new family members into account

A new partnership often brings changes in your own priorities, family constellations and financial circumstances. There is often a wish to provide security for the new partner and other family members.
Does the current arrangement suit your new requirements? Are changes to existing inheritance and succession documents necessary?

Plan your new start. If your assets also need restructuring, we’ll gladly help you. 

Assessing the future as accurately as possible

Important decisions must be made when preparing for retirement. How you see the future is a crucial factor.
When do you want to stop work? How much do you trust pension schemes? How does health affect your expenditure?

Withdrawing capital at the right time

Various retirement assets become payable when you stop work. They are taxed differently from other income.
How can the withdrawal be timed correctly – especially for married couples? What are the options for fiscal optimization?

Gauging financial room for maneuver

Your focus is on travel, grandchildren, voluntary activities and realizing personal dreams and hobbies. Robust planning helps you enjoy this precious time without worrying.
What level of expenditure is sustainable? Do you expect any large inflows, for example from an inheritance? What is the impact of unfavorable market developments or longevity?

Enjoy life. Spend this newly-won time with your family and on new passions. We’ll take care of your assets in the meantime.

Making arrangements

Many people feel it is vitally important to know that their wishes will be implemented. In addition, they do not want the transfer of wealth to cause difficulties within the family.

What assets do you wish to hand on? What documents are required? Do special tax rules need to be taken into account, including foreign rules?

Contributing to society

People often wish to give something back to society and support the less fortunate ones, environmental projects or other worthy causes.
What do you care about? How should you proceed to ensure that your money gets to the right place?

Involving the next generation

In many cases, some of the assets are already earmarked for the next generation. It therefore makes sense to involve your successors in investment decisions.
When is the right time? Would your children invest the same way as you?

Have you thought about how you would like to pass on your assets with as little conflict as possible? We do this every day.

UBS advisory approach

Financial planning for your life projects.

Our research shows almost 60% of women do not engage in the most important aspects of financial well-being: investing, insurance, retirement and long-term planning.

With our proven three step consulting approach we help you create a financial plan to achieve your life goals, so you can minimize Jane's situation illustrated above.

It starts with a conversation and questions to uncover what’s important to you: your financial goals, values and legacy.

We’ll jointly determine three strategies – liquidity, longevity, and legacy – and tailor them to your short- and long-term goals in life.

Couple standing on a beach

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UBS Europe SE, Luxembourg branch