SwissSkills Day

Formal launch of SwissSkills Initiative

The Swiss apprenticeship program is renowned as a model for success worldwide. To ensure that this program continues, UBS is actively involved as a founding member of the SwissSkills initiative – both at events and financially.

Formal launch of "SwissSkills Initiative"

February 8th 2017

As part of SwissSkills Day 2017, which was held today, the new SwissSkills public-private partnership initiative was officially unveiled in Bern. As Presenting Partner, UBS supports the initiative both in terms of personnel - including voluntary work - and funding to increase awareness across Switzerland of the advantages and opportunities offered by apprenticeships.

Swiss apprenticeships are a model for success and among the very best in the world. Proof of this was provided by the Swiss national team that won the European title at EuroSkills 2016 in Gothenburg. At today’s SwissSkills Day, the young medalists were congratulated in person by Federal Councilor Johann Schneider-Ammann.

Despite these successes, the number of young people who choose practical vocational training is declining each year. An academic education via high school and university is viewed as the only real chance for a career. There is not enough public awareness of the strengths and in particular the opportunities for personal and professional development that an apprenticeship offers.

UBS has therefore joined forces with SwissSkills, public institutions, associations and private sector representatives as part of a public-private partnership initiative to further strengthen and promote the Swiss vocational training system.

A model for success

Lukas Gähwiler, Chairman UBS Switzerland, is personally committed to the partnership: “Education is the most important resource that Switzerland has in the face of global competition. Our dual education system is a model for success and recognized internationally. We are committed to both university education and the vocational training system. It is in fact one of Switzerland’s strengths that there are many educational pathways to career success.”

Our commitment

One way that UBS supports SwissSkills is through the creation of a new youth-friendly platform called SwissSkills Career, which is intended to be the initial point of contact and information on apprenticeships. Additionally, UBS employees will be present together with SwissSkills on an interactive stand at job fairs and championships to provide information in person about apprenticeships and career opportunities. We also assist the SwissSkills team in the preparations for and participation in international championships, such as WorldSkills 2018.