
UBS Global Equity Climate Transition Fund

Protection from climate change, capitalizing on the transition to a low carbon economy in a just and fair way

Why the UBS Global Equity Climate Transition Fund?

Our low-cost solution aims to help investors to capitalize on the long-term sustainable and inclusive transition to a low carbon emissions economy through an innovative, cost efficient and rules-based investment strategy.

UBS Global Emerging Markets Equity Climate Transition Fund

Building on the success of the Global Equity Climate Transition Fund, this rules-based investment strategy aims to mitigate climate related risks, while capitalizing on the transition to a low carbon economy in emerging markets.

Introducing the Global Equity Climate Transition Fund

What differentiates our strategy

Future decarbonization is built into the objectives to ensure the strategy is continually evolving to support investors to meet their Net Zero commitments

Factors in effect on society to contribute to a climate transition with a positive social effect. The social contribution is measured with selected SDGs.

Investment approach


The strategy applies positive and negative 'tilts' related to climate change and decarbonizes over time in-line with the IPCC’s 1.5°C scenarios

Social impact

Pursuing a just transition by tilting towards companies that align with five social and environmental UN SDGs


Engaging directly with company's management to educate about best practices and encourage reporting of sustainability metrics

Investment strategy


  • Similar risk-return profile to the benchmark
  • Low tracking error and turnover
  • Low cost: management fees are similar to a passive strategy
  • Lower carbon intensity than benchmark
  • Considers social impacts of climate transition


  • Uses multiple sources of environmental data
  • Aligned to forward looking carbon reduction targets
  • Tilted to social and environmental UN SDGs
  • Applies select climate related exclusions
  • Voting and engagement

Explore fund details

Read more about our funds and approach towards investing

Contact our experts

Whether you have a question or a request, we will be happy to get in touch with you. Contact our UBS Asset Management team for more details.