Steve Magill Philip Haigh

Key points:

  • Global growth is expected to slow
  • Interest rates peaked in 2023 and are now expected to fall in 2024
  • Political events could drive volatility
  • Mortgage rates to drop
  • Inflation to head back towards target
  • Monetary policy to loosen
  • Changing macroeconomic environments may benefit UK equity markets
            About the authors
            • Steve Magill, ASIP

              Head of Global Value, Managing Director

              Years of investment industry experience: 32
              Education: Hull University (UK), BSc (Hons)

              Steve Magill is Head of the Global Value team, and Lead PM for UK, European and Global Value equities.

              Steve initially joined UBS Asset Management in 1986, before taking a career break to study. He re-joined after gaining a First-Class degree in Accounting to UBS-AM asa UK Equity Portfolio Manager.

            • Philip Haigh, CFA

              Deputy Head of Global Value, Executive Director

              Years of investment industry experience: 25

              Education: Cambridge University (UK), MA

              Phil Haigh is a Senior Portfolio Manager and Deputy Head of the Global Value team. He also manages a sleeve within our Global Equity Long Short Fund.

              Prior to this role he was a senior analyst within the Global Equity team. He has built extensive knowledge over more than two decades across Global stocks, especially across Technology, Industrials and Consumer areas, and has been one of our most proven and consistently high performing analysts.

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