UBS Advanced Planning

Insights and experience to guide you today and for generations to come

Expertise for you and your family

Navigating transitions of wealth can be challenging. The Advanced Planning Group has the specialized experience to help ultra high net worth (UHNW) clients transfer wealth tax efficiently and to help family members flourish while supporting causes important to them.

An experienced team of professionals provide thought leadership in estate planning strategies, income and estate tax planning strategies, family office structuring, business succession planning, charitable planning and family governance.

Our specialized team helps educate clients about their estate plans to help them pursue their tax and planning goals while navigating the maze of legal and tax issues affecting those plans.

We draw on our years of experience as former practicing estate planning and tax attorneys to help educate clients on strategies to mitigate tax and maximize wealth passing to family and charity.
Ann Bjerke
Head of Advanced Planning

What we bring



25 of whom are former practicing estate planning and tax attorneys who educate clients on planning strategies


years of experience

on average for Senior Advanced Planning Group members



white papers and guides on planning topics for UHNW clients and family offices, as well as videos and podcasts

How our perspective may help you

The Advanced Planning Group provides insights and intellectual capital that can help UHNW clients and their families make informed decisions across business, tax and estate planning strategies, charitable giving and family governance. Explore these key topics for yourself.

Business owners

Estate and tax planning strategies

Giving and family governance

Income tax planning strategies

Where you can learn more

We have additional resources and intellectual capital available with innovative thinking and ideas that can help inform your planning and investment strategies.

Private Wealth Management

We connect prominent individuals and their families to experts, insights, thought leaders and peers within our firm and around the world. Find out more

Investment research

Our Chief Investment Office (CIO) breaks down 24/7 in-depth analysis of economies, markets and social trends around the world. Find out more

Multigenerational wealth

What defines family success? And how can you pass it onto the next generation? Find out more about the transfer of wealth.

Get in touch

Together, we can help you pursue what’s important

No tax or legal advice.
UBS Financial Services Inc., its affiliates and its employees do not provide tax or legal advice. You should consult with your personal tax and/or legal advisors regarding your particular situation.

We provide this information for informational and educational purposes only. It should be used solely for the purposes of discussion with your UBS Financial Advisor and your independent consideration. UBS does not intend this to be fiduciary or best interest investment advice or a recommendation that you take a particular course of action.

Expiration: 10/31/2023 Approval date: 10/17/2022 Review Code: IS2205899 2022-865504