Goodbye 2020, hello 2021

2020 was a challenging year by any measure – for our clients, our colleagues and our communities. But it was also an accelerator. Of change. Of digitalization. Of new ways to connect. And if there’s one thing I’m sure of, it’s this: change will be ever constant as the world continues to feel the ripple effect from 2020 in the years to come.

And UBS’s place in all of this? Well, I would say we’re fully ready to embrace this change and build on the strengths and strong performance that we demonstrated in 2020.

There for our clients. Our clients are why we’re here. In a year like no other, we worked across our firm to deliver the best of UBS to our clients and grow our already existing leadership in areas such as sustainability. We provided stability, maintained connectivity, and gave advice and solutions to our clients during times of uncertainty.

There for our employees. How we work together has evolved in the face of the pandemic. We’ve adapted our training, resources and tools to support new and more flexible ways of working – especially given the challenges of making room for work space at home, homeschooling children and leading teams remotely. Thank you to our employees who truly stepped up to every challenge thrown their way.

There for our communities. Being socially distanced didn’t mean we distanced ourselves from our social responsibility. We worked together with our clients and colleagues to protect the world’s most vulnerable and help our local communities. And we made an enormous impact through our UBS Optimus Foundation COVID-19 Response Fund, through (virtual) employee volunteering and through forging partnerships with local and global organizations.

We all faced – and continue to face – constant change. Yet thanks to our preparedness, agility and the support of our employees, who all had to adapt as well, we were able to ensure continuity of support to our clients and communities. This is a huge feat that shouldn’t be taken lightly, and is one that we should all be proud of. And now, as we emerge stronger and more resilient from this period of great uncertainty, it’s time for us to look ahead to the next steps on our exciting journey. As we do so, the attributes mentioned above and in this publication are what we’ll build on as we go from strength to strength. Thanks for being part of our journey.

As we emerge stronger and more resilient from this period of great uncertainty, it’s time for us to look ahead to the next steps on our exciting journey.

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