Go with your gut
How Julie Smolyansky took the reins and changed a business culture

Julie Smolyansky
Company: Lifeway Foods
Title: President and CEO
Industry: Food and dairy
Founded: 1986
Family generation: Second
Turnover in 2020: 88.02 million euro
4 big takeaways
Find your voice
Confidence and courage are two key ingredients in finding your voice. Be brave about speaking out and saying what needs to be said. It may not happen overnight. But in time, you'll grow into those shoes, and gain the authority you need to inspire and lead your business.
Value your values
Never underestimate the power of your family's values. They're the fuel that first propelled your family business to success. So take time to consider the ethics and vision of your family's first generation. Remember the advice and experiences that shaped you. And find ways to bring those lessons to bear in your leadership style.
Lead strategically
Families and businesses can be complex. There are many diverse cultures to consider, opinions to weigh and financial interests to balance. So lead strategically, wisely and diplomatically. But remember, there may be times you'll need to step up and speak out about the things you believe in.
Prepare a succession plan
How would your business cope if a leader retired or passed away? Who could step into their shoes? And how can you ensure everything transfers smoothly? That's where a succession plan comes in, detailing your goals and strategy for putting your business in the hands of new leaders.
The time is now for business leaders like me to speak up, lead and scale our values.