UBS Optimus Foundation – what we offer

Unlocking opportunities

Let's work together to drive long-term social impact and systemic change, to improve the lives of children globally.

Your philanthropy will help solve social issues in four key areas:

Ensure people survive and thrive

Ensure children survive and thrive

Validate and support the scale up of models in frontline healthcare systems to increase access to health services across the continuum of care – from community, to clinics, to hospitals – that will save children’s lives. 

With your donation we:

  • Scale innovative and effective models for community-based healthcare and quality primary facility care
  • Increase models and resources available to scale access to safe surgery around the world
  • Build capacity to diagnose and treat children with cancer to avoid preventable deaths
Fulfill people's potential

Fulfill children’s potential

Building quality, education provision that addresses the needs of the most vulnerable children to enable them to secure fulfilling work and break cycles of poverty.

With your donation we:

  • Ensure that all displaced children, especially those facing extreme adversity, are adequately supported to catch-up and integrate into school systems
  • Increase social mobility for disadvantaged youth by providing them with the skills and exposure needed to transition into further education or fulfilling employment
  • Improve the standard of learning and efficiency in all schools by harnessing the innovation, diversity and quality offered by non-state education providers
Free people from harm

Free people from harm

Preventing and protecting children from the most egregious forms of abuse by investing across the continuum of public child protection systems, community attitudes, family support and an end to impunity.

With your donation we:

  • Prevent children from being trafficked into commercial sexual exploitation or forced labor and build the evidence base to reduce demand for slavery and understand what actions work to reduce it
  • Demonstrate sustainable models of family-based care that can scale and educate funders and voluntourists on the need to eradicate orphanages
Free people from harm

Protect the future of our planet

Conserving and restoring our planet by investing in climate change mitigation strategies, building resilience for wild habitats and vulnerable communities, and supporting efforts to improve biodiversity and conservation.

With your donation we:

  • Restore and protect key landscapes and vulnerable seascapes, helping to mitigate climate change by storing carbon and reducing emissions while strengthening livelihoods and conserving plant and animal life
  • Encourage a shift to more sustainable food systems, supporting responsible fishing and aquaculture alongside investing in climate resilient agriculture and agroforestry

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UBS Philanthropy Services

You have a vision. Our philanthropy experts can help you bring it to life. Join us for an advisory session, participate in one of our events, learn from our own in-depth research, or connect with like-minded partners who share your passion.