Code of Conduct and Ethics of UBS
The Code defines the way UBS does business.
- It sets out the principles and practices that define our ethical standards.
- It applies to everything and everyone at UBS.
- It underscores the critical importance of responsible behavior.
- It covers our dealings with stakeholders, clients, counterparties, shareholders, regulators and business partners - and each other.
- It is the basis for all our policies, guidelines and procedures.
- It and all related internal and external policies and rules must be complied with.
Code of Conduct language versions
Code of Conduct language versions
Code of Conduct and Ethics of UBS
(178 KB)
Verhaltens - und Ethikkodex von UBS
(185 KB)
Code de conduite et de déontologie d'UBS
(203 KB)
Codice di condotta ed etica di UBS
(150 KB)
Código de conducta y ética
(151 KB)
Código de conduta e ética
(166 KB)
(424 KB)
(465 KB)
UBS 業務遂行倫理規定
(429 KB)
회사 윤리강령
(429 KB)
Kodeks postępowania i etyki
(170 KB)