UBS (Lux) Strategy Fund

Sustainably pursuing your investment goals

Please read the important information of the fund before proceeding

Important information for UBS (Lux) Strategy Fund – Fixed Income Sustainable (USD)*, UBS (Lux) Strategy Fund – Yield Sustainable (USD)*, UBS (Lux) Strategy Fund – Balanced Sustainable (USD)* and UBS (Lux) Strategy Fund – Growth Sustainable (USD)* (collectively, the “Fund(s)”)

1. The Funds’ sustainable investment focus carries the risk that the Funds may underperform funds that do not utilize a sustainable investment strategy. Further, the implementation of the sustainable investment strategy may result in foregoing opportunities to buy certain securities when it might otherwise be advantageous to do so, and/or selling securities when it might be disadvantageous to do so, which may adversely affect the Funds’ investment performance.

2. In assessing the eligibility of an issuer, there is a dependence upon information and data from external research data providers and internal analyses, which may be subjective, incomplete, inaccurate or unavailable. As a result, there is a risk of incorrectly or subjectively assessing a security or issuer or there is a risk that the Funds could have exposure to issuers who do not meet the relevant criteria. In addition, there is a lack of standardized taxonomy of ESG investments.

3. The Funds may gain exposure to their investments via collective investment schemes in which case the Funds will not have control of the investments of the underlying funds and will be subject to the risks associated with the underlying funds, particularly where the Funds predominantly invest in underlying funds.

4. In respect of unit class with “-mdist” in their name, dividends may be paid out of capital which may result in an immediate reduction of the net asset value per unit. Payment of dividends out of capital amounts to a return or withdrawal of part of an investor’s original investment or from any capital gains attributable to that original investment.

5. The distribution amount and net asset value of the hedged class of units may be adversely affected by differences in the interest rates of the reference currency of the hedged class and each of the Fund’s base currency, resulting in an increase in the amount of distribution that is paid out of capital and hence a greater erosion of capital than other non-hedged classes.

6. Unit classes with a fixed percentage in their names do not distribute a fixed amount. The absolute distributions received by investors may vary from month to month depending on the net asset value of each of the Fund as of the end of the month.

7. This investment may involve risks that could result in loss of part or entire amount of investors’ investment.

8. Investors should not invest in the Funds solely based on this document and should read the relevant offering documents for further details including risk factors.

9. Investors are responsible for their investment decisions and should seek independent financial and professional advice if required.

Important information for UBS (Lux) Strategy Fund – Fixed Income Sustainable (USD)*

1. The Fund invests at least 70% of its net assets in bonds. The Fund may invest directly and/or indirectly in high yield bonds, emerging market bonds and commodities.

2. At least 70% of the Fund’s net assets are allocated to investment strategies that (i) take account of environmental and/or social considerations or aim to make sustainable investments or to reduce carbon emissions, and (ii) are subject to the Portfolio Manager’s sustainability focus strategy.

3. The Fund’s investments may be subject to risks associated with a sustainable investment focus, investing in other collective investment schemes/funds, debt securities, equities, currency, Renminbi, emerging markets, instruments with loss-absorption features, securities lending transactions and active currency positions.

4. The Fund’s investments in debt securities may be subject to credit/counterparty risk, interest rate risk, volatility and liquidity risk, downgrading risk, valuation risk, credit rating risk and below investment grade or unrated risk.

5. The Fund may use financial derivative instruments for investment management and hedging purposes. The Fund does not intend to use financial derivative instruments extensively for investment purposes. The Fund’s net derivative exposure may be up to 50% of the Fund’s net asset value.

Important information for UBS (Lux) Strategy Fund – Yield Sustainable (USD)*

1. The Fund invests at least 15% of its net assets in equity securities and up to 85% of its net assets in bonds. The Fund may invest directly and/or indirectly in high yield bonds, emerging market bonds and commodities.

2. At least 70% of the Fund’s net assets are allocated to investment strategies that (i) take account of environmental and/or social considerations or aim to make sustainable investments or to reduce carbon emissions, and (ii) are subject to the Portfolio Manager’s sustainability focus strategy.

3. The Fund’s investments may be subject to risks associated with a sustainable investment focus, investing in other collective investment schemes/funds, asset allocation strategy, debt securities, equities, currency, Renminbi, emerging markets, instruments with loss-absorption features, securities lending transactions and active currency positions.

4. The Fund’s investments in debt securities may be subject to credit/counterparty risk, interest rate risk, volatility and liquidity risk, downgrading risk, valuation risk, credit rating risk and below investment grade or unrated risk.

5. The Fund may use financial derivative instruments for investment and hedging purposes. The Fund’s net derivative exposure may be up to 50% of the Fund’s net asset value.

Important information for UBS (Lux) Strategy Fund – Balanced Sustainable (USD)*

1. The Fund invests at least 30% of its net assets in equity securities, and up to 70% of its net assets in bonds. The Fund may invest directly and/or indirectly in high yield bonds, emerging market bonds and commodities.

2. At least 70% of the Fund’s net assets are allocated to investment strategies that (i) take account of environmental and/or social considerations or aim to make sustainable investments or to reduce carbon emissions, and (ii) are subject to the Portfolio Manager’s sustainability focus strategy.

3. The Fund’s investments may be subject to risks associated with a sustainable investment focus, investing in other collective investment schemes/funds, asset allocation strategy, debt securities, equities, currency, Renminbi, emerging markets, instruments with loss-absorption features, securities lending transactions and active currency positions.

4. As the Fund focuses on ESG investments, the value of the Fund may be more volatile than that of a fund having a more diverse portfolio of investments.

5. The Fund may use financial derivative instruments for investment management and hedging purposes. The Fund’s net derivative exposure may be up to 50% of the Fund’s net asset value.

Important information for UBS (Lux) Strategy Fund – Growth Sustainable (USD)*

1. The Fund invests at least 55% of its net assets in equity securities and up to 45% of its net assets in bonds. The Fund may invest directly and/or indirectly in high yield bonds, emerging market bonds and commodities.

2 .At least 70% of the Fund’s net assets are allocated to investment strategies that (i) take account of environmental and/or social considerations or aim to make sustainable investments or to reduce carbon emissions, and (ii) are subject to the Portfolio Manager’s sustainability focus strategy.

3. The Fund’s investments may be subject to risks associated with a sustainable investment focus, investing in other collective investment schemes/funds, asset allocation strategy, debt securities, equities, currency, Renminbi, emerging markets, instruments with loss-absorption features, securities lending transactions and active currency positions.

4. As the Fund focuses on ESG investments, the value of the Fund may be more volatile than that of a fund having a more diverse portfolio of investments.

5. The Fund may use financial derivative instruments for investment management and hedging purposes. The Fund’s net derivative exposure may be up to 50% of the Fund’s net asset value.

The funds provide access to innovative UBS Global Wealth Management Chief Investment Office Sustainable Strategic Asset Allocation, based on sustainable asset classes that maintain core asset allocation principles. Investors benefit from the investment selection and implementation expertise of UBS Asset Management. Together we put sustainability front and center aiming to continue to deliver sustainable and attractive risk-adjusted returns for each risk profile, but now doing so with a sustainability focus.

What is ESG and why now?

 1.  Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) is at the heart of our investments

If you’re not just investing for financial performance and want to have the potential to make a positive impact on the environment and society, then ESG is key topic.


What does E mean?

Climate change, pollution and waste, environmental opportunities.

What could be affected?

Investments may plummet when an environmental disaster comes to light.

Potential to benefit?

Investments may grow market share on the back of favorable regulation and shifting consumer preferences.


What does S mean?

Workplace safety, discrimination and diversity, supply chain, community controversies, human rights.

What could be affected?

Companies may struggle from conflicts with local communities, and investments can suffer due to customer boycotts.

Potential to benefit?

There may be greater worker productivity which could lead to improved industry margins.


What does G mean?

Corruption, tax gaps, anti-competitive behavior, business ethics, board structure.

What could be affected?

Investments may fall if companies receive significant fines for anti- practice or are pursued for back taxes.

Potential to benefit?

Investments may attract high- quality institutional investors drawn by good governance, which could result in lower investment volatility.

2. Incorporating ESG can enhance potential returns

Sustainable investments outperformed conventional investments and the trend is further escalated since the pandemic

Relative performance MSCI AC World ESG Leaders vs MSCI AC World

3. Incorporating ESG can provide better downside protection

Green bonds were more resilient in the period immediately post the COVID-19 outbreak

ICE BofAML Green Bond Index vs. ICE BofAML Global Corporate Bonds, drawdowns in % during 2020 market volatility

Relative performance MSCI AC World ESG Leaders vs MSCI AC World
Source: Bloomberg, UBS, as of April 2024. For illustrative purposes only. Past performance is not indicative of future results.
ICE BofAML Green Bond Index vs. ICE BofAML Global Corporate Bonds, drawdowns in % during 2020 market volatility
Source: Bloomberg, UBS Asset Management, as of August 2022.

Our solution - UBS (Lux) Strategy Fund

One-stop shop for different risk appetite

Four different risk profiles, so suitable for virtually any investor profile

Four different risk profiles, so suitable for virtually any investor profile
For illustrative purposes only. Markets change and returns can fluctuate. The above target allocations can be adjusted at UBS’s discretion at any time. This information should not be considered as recommendation to buy or sell any security.
  • Growth sustainable represents UBS (Lux) Strategy Fund – Growth Sustainable (USD).
  • Balanced sustainable represents UBS (Lux) Strategy Fund – Balanced Sustainable (USD).
  • Yield sustainable represents UBS (Lux) Strategy Fund – Yield Sustainable (USD).
  • Fixed income sustainable represents UBS (Lux) Strategy Fund – Fixed Income Sustainable (USD).

UBS House View: Sustainable Investing Strategic Asset Allocation


ESG Leaders Equities

Equity shares in companies that manage a range of critical ESG issues and seize ESG opportunities better than their competitors.

ESG Improver Equities

Equity shares in companies that are getting better at managing a range of critical ESG issues and opportunities.

ESG Thematic Equities

Equity shares in companies that sell products and services that tackle a particular environmental or social challenge, and/or whose businesses are particularly good at managing a single ESG factor, such as gender equality.

ESG Engagement Equities

An approach where fund managers take active equity stakes in order to engage company management to improve their performance on ESG issues and opportunities.


Multilateral Development Bank Debt

Bonds issued by multilateral development banks (MDBs). MDBs are backed by multiple governments with the aim of financing sustainable economic development.

Green Bonds

Bonds that finance environmental projects. Issuers include corporations, municipalities, and development banks.

ESG Leaders Corporate Bonds

Bonds issued by companies that manage a range of critical ESG issues and seize opportunities better than their competitors.

ESG Engagement High Yield Bonds

An approach where fund managers take active bond positions in issuers with credit ratings below BBB- in order to engage company management to improve their performance on ESG issues and opportunities.

Available share classes

Available share classes


Distribution Yield

UBS (Lux) Strategy Fund – Growth Sustainable (USD)





Distribution reinvested

UBS (Lux) Strategy Fund – Balanced Sustainable (USD)





Distribution reinvested







(HKD) P-4%-mdist1,2



(RMB hedged) P-4%-mdist1,2



(AUD Hedged) P-4%-mdist1,2






(HKD) P-6%-mdist1,2



(AUD hedged) P-6%-mdist1,2



UBS (Lux) Strategy Fund – Yield Sustainable (USD)





Distribution reinvested




UBS (Lux) Strategy Fund – Fixed Income Sustainable (USD)





Distribution reinvested




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