Decisions, decisions

Investors uncertain now but optimistic for the future

Our recent UBS Investor Watch finds that investors are cautious about the year ahead but embrace the decade ahead with optimism.

Global investors look to the year ahead with greater caution, seeing geopolitical events as the primary driver of returns. Top geopolitical concerns are trade, home-market political environment and the US presidential election.  

Investors also feel less in control of portfolio returns. In fact, 72% believe the investment environment is more challenging than it was five years ago.  

Younger investors are far more optimistic about the decade ahead. A full 84% want to align their portfolios with key trends, such as technology and sustainable investing. Only 30% of investors age 51 and older are interested in doing so.

Where do you fit in? And how do you see your financial future unfolding?

Are you uncertain about the year ahead?

See what we think.

Get your copy of Year Ahead 2020 for our views on where global markets are headed and how to invest.

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