Analysts covering UBS
To the best of our knowledge, the following analysts cover UBS.
Firm (short name) | Firm (short name) | Analyst | Analyst |
Firm (short name) | Autonomous | Analyst | Stefan Stalmann |
Firm (short name) | Bank of America | Analyst | Antonio Reale |
Firm (short name) | Barclays | Analyst | Flora Bocahut |
Firm (short name) | Berenberg | Analyst | Peter Richardson |
Firm (short name) | Citi | Analyst | Andrew Coombs |
Firm (short name) | Deutsche Bank | Analyst | Benjamin Goy |
Firm (short name) | Exane BNP Paribas | Analyst | Jeremy Sigee |
Firm (short name) | Goldman Sachs | Analyst | Chris Hallam |
Firm (short name) | HSBC | Analyst | Piers Brown |
Firm (short name) | Jefferies | Analyst | Theo Massing |
Firm (short name) | J.P. Morgan | Analyst | Kian Abouhossein |
Firm (short name) | Keefe, Bruyette & Woods | Analyst | Tom Hallett |
Firm (short name) | Kepler Cheuvreux | Analyst | Nicolas Payen |
Firm (short name) | Mediobanca | Analyst | Amit Goel |
Firm (short name) | Morgan Stanley | Analyst | Giulia Miotto |
Firm (short name) | Morningstar | Analyst | Johann Scholtz |
Firm (short name) | Oddo | Analyst | Roland Pfänder |
Firm (short name) | RBC | Analyst | Anke Reingen |
Firm (short name) | Redburn | Analyst | Nicholas Watts |
Firm (short name) | Santander | Analyst | Ignacio Mendez |
Firm (short name) | Société Générale | Analyst | Andrew Lim |
Firm (short name) | Vontobel | Analyst | Andreas Venditti |
Firm (short name) | ZKB | Analyst | Michael Klien |
Note: To the best of our knowledge, the analysts listed above cover UBS. The list may not be complete and may change from time to time. We will update the list periodically, but undertake no obligation to do so. Please note that any opinions, estimates or forecasts made by these analysts on UBS's performance are not opinions, forecasts or predictions of UBS or its management. By providing the list above, UBS does not imply its endorsement of or concurrence with such information, conclusions or recommendations. Copies of reports by any of the listed analysts must be obtained directly by interested persons, UBS does not distribute such reports.
Please get in contact should you require more information about analysts covering the UBS share: