The main points in a nutshell

  • Download and create a personal budget
  • Identify recurring costs
  • Benefit from savings tips

Maybe you’ve just cashed your first pay check, or you’ve been receiving a salary for a while. Now life and its many adventures await: festivals, fun and friends, not to mention vacations and travel. Of course these things don’t come for free. It makes sense to record all your income and expenses in a financial plan and make informed decisions. Doesn’t this spoil all the fun? This budget planning template will make your life easier.

Download the personal budget plan now and organize your finances.

Fixed costs – what you spend every month

It’s always helpful to take a closer look at your budget. Firstly, enter your fixed costs in the table. Sum everything up and subtract the total amount from your income.

Personal costs – your individual spending

After deducting your fixed costs, you should still have enough money left over for variable costs, e.g., for going out, hobbies, the gym or eating out.

Write down everything you spent in the last month. After deducting this amount from your salary, you can see how much you have left over. This breakdown will show you which expenses are eating up your money. Are all these things really important to you? You can start by looking at where you could spend less.

This includes recurring costs such as insurance, groceries, transport passes or fuel costs for your car.

Avoid getting into debt

It’s important to avoid accumulating debt, as this prevents you from saving. The trick: when your salary comes in, pay part of it directly into your savings account by direct debit. Then you can’t spend this money by accident. If you can set aside one or two months’ salary as a buffer, you can cushion yourself against any unexpected expenses.

Caution is recommended with buy now, pay later offers. With these, you don’t need to pay for your online purchases right away, which gives you the impression you haven’t spent the money at all when you look at your account.

Think about the future, without missing out on the fun

Start planning for retirement early? Boring, right? But it’s a clever idea to pay some of your money into pillar three early on and save on taxes, which reduces your fixed costs. And it’s also important to treat yourself from time to time if you have the money.

UBS key4 prepaid card: keep your spending under control

With a prepaid card from UBS, your spending is always under control. What’s more, with attractive exchange rates the card is the perfect way to pay on the go – no matter where you are in the world. The card is free of charge with UBS key4 banking.

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