UBS Digital Banking for SMEs: simply secure

New: take Security Check now

  • Take our Security Check now – it’s tailor-made for SMEs.
  • In just 7 minutes, you’ll learn how to increase your security online.

Quadruple protection

With UBS Digital Banking, you can carry out your banking transactions very securely and easily.

These four components ensure optimum security:

  • Our secure, unique identification when you log in
  • Advanced security settings and real-time notifications
  • Prevention by analyzing previous account movements
  • Your correct behavior and that of all employees in dealing with sensitive data
Quadruple protection



The login methods we offer uniquely identify you. Unauthorized persons do not have access to your company’s Digital Banking.



We constantly check operations in Digital Banking and compare them with your regular usage behavior.

Security settings

Security settings

With UBS Digital Banking, you can carry out your banking transactions very securely. You can even increase security by adjusting individual settings.



Check your security behavior is in line with our recommendations and raise awareness among colleagues and employees.

Stay protected

Stay protected

UBS Digital Banking is designed with your security in mind. But there are also ways you can help yourself, and we’ll be happy to assist you.

Protect yourself against potential risks with our tests and Zurich cyber insurance.