Liquidity plan
Free liquidity plan template
Liquidity plan – the benefits
Liquidity plan – the benefits
- Step-by-step guide giving you an overview of your liquidity situation
- Early identification of financing gaps
- Simple simulation including visual illustrations
Why do I need a liquidity plan?
Why do I need a liquidity plan?
Liquidity planning is crucial to companies. A plan shows on a rolling basis whether or when a liquidity bottleneck will occur and how large the potential financing shortfall may be. This lets you adopt measures early on to provide for the required liquidity.
What should I watch out for when planning liquidity?
What should I watch out for when planning liquidity?
Note the following three points when planning:
- Plan carefully and take your time.
- Planning should be based entirely on the facts and reflect reality.
- Update your planning regularly.
Tips for improved liquidity
Tips for improved liquidity