Following completion of the merger of UBS AG and Credit Suisse AG, Credit Suisse AG’s business was transferred to UBS AG, and Credit Suisse AG ceased to exist. At this time however, the two entities did not operationally merge and, as a result, we continue to have two sets of operational infrastructure and processes during this transitionary period.

Consequently UBS AG is now the sole parent entity and all direct subsidiaries of Credit Suisse AG have become direct subsidiaries of UBS AG, and all branches of Credit Suisse AG have been absorbed into existing or established as new branches of UBS AG (as the case may be). As such, Credit Suisse AG’s branches have been renamed as UBS Branches, with the exceptions of Credit Suisse AG, Taipei Securities Branch and Credit Suisse AG Shanghai Branch.

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Exchange Traded Funds (“ETFs”) are open ended investment vehicles that are designed to trade like an individual security on a trading venue. Most ETFs are index funds replicating an equity or bond index and are designated as UCITS ETFs, which means that they can be marketed freely within the EU.

Under the European directive 2009/65 EC (“the Directive”), from 1 July 2012 ETF sponsors will be required to issue Key Investor Information Documents (“KIIDs”) for all UCITS ETFs. The KIID provides summary information in relation to the ETF to assist investors in deciding whether to make an investment in a UCITS ETF.

The Directive requires that these are made available to investors for the relevant UCITS ETF prior to making an investment.  Set out below is a list of ETF providers relating to ETFs that are available through Credit Suisse together with links to the relevant providers’ websites to assist investors with obtaining the relevant KIID(s).

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Risk Considerations

Investors should note that ETF products are not capital protected or guaranteed in any way and therefore investors should not invest in such products unless they are able to sustain losses up to the full amount of capital invested. The value of ETFs may go down as well as up and past performance is not a reliable indicator of future results. Investment in ETFs involves risks. For fuller details of related risks please view the relevant risk disclosures in each provider’s KIID and other materials.