Sustainability Report highlights
Thinking and acting with the long term in mind
Supporting, advising and sharing
Supporting, advising and sharing
When it comes to sustainability, our ambition is to be a global leader, supporting our clients in the orderly transition to a low-carbon economy, leading by example in our own operations and sharing the lessons we learn along the way.

Serving our clients’ needs
Serving our clients’ needs
Our clients are at the heart of everything we do and they’re increasingly looking to grow their capital in sustainable ways. Through our investment advice, financial strategies and solutions, and research and thought leadership we aim to support their transition toward a more sustainable world.
Embodying our principles
Embodying our principles
We are reducing our climate impact and managing the risks of climate change to our business by embedding sustainability throughout our operations and services. We are also dedicated to being a world-class employer and a place where people can unlock their full potential. With more than 115,000 employees working in 52 countries, our global presence, expertise and range of business activities help us to make a positive difference for our clients, colleagues and communities.

The power of cooperation
We believe that by working collectively, philanthropists and public and private organizations have the potential to create lasting change and maximize a positive impact for people and planet. Through the UBS Optimus Foundation we are connecting clients with programs that are making a measurable, long-term difference to the most serious and enduring social and environmental problems.