UBS Virtual Museum


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The Union Bank of Switzerland Kinebar – a glittering jewel

Ordinary gold bars gleam dazzlingly. But the gold bars issued by Union Bank of Switzerland aren’t ordinary: they’re counterfeit-protected Kinebars. Kinebars are minted using what’s known as Kinegram technology, in which a computer-generated image is applied to the reverse of the bar. Depending on how the light falls, an iridescent rainbow of colors in every hue seems to shimmer within the image. This world-first innovation at Union Bank of Switzerland was announced to the press on 2 December 1993. When they were launched, the Kinebars were offered in 5 gram, 20 gram and one ounce sizes.

Union Bank of Switzerland is the first bank in the world to launch counterfeit-protected gold bars

The Kinegram technology was developed by the Zug company Landis & Gyr. Union Bank of Switzerland asked the company whether the high-tech process could also be used for precious metals. The idea was followed by a period of intensive development work between Landis & Gyr and the Argor-Heraeus gold refinery, which was then owned by Union Bank of Switzerland.

The Union Bank of Switzerland Kinebar embarks on a world tour

Following its launch in Switzerland in December 1993, the Union Bank of Switzerland Kinebar was sent on a world tour. In early 1994 it hit the test markets of Hong Kong and Taiwan, and in September it was launched in Singapore and Malaysia, followed by the Middle East and the Gulf region. The Union Bank of Switzerland Kinebar then celebrated a successful entry to the market in Japan’s major department stores. North and South America were the final stages of the tour.

The “diamond” among gold bars

Never be stuck for a gift idea again! The Union Bank of Switzerland Kinebar was advertised as the perfect “gift with absolute assurance”.

The Union Bank of Switzerland Kinebar 2000 came onto the market in December 1994

When the Union Bank of Switzerland Kinebar 2000 was launched, investors had the opportunity for the first time to purchase a physical gold bar with price protection, for which the Bank guaranteed a fixed redemption price. This allowed buyers to protect themselves against falling gold prices and benefit from price increases....

The Union Bank of Switzerland Kinebar 2000 was available in weights of 100g, 500g and 1kg.


Swiss Bank Corporation embarks on a partnership with Art Basel

The success story that has become the largest and most important art fair in the world has its origins in Basel. It was here that in 1970 three local gallery owners turned their idea of an international art fair into reality. The trio selected 271 galleries that met their high-quality criteria, just one in three of the applicants. This meant the standard of the exhibits was exceptional, and both the number of visitors and the sales figures grew steadily each year. The high quality of Art Basel, its international flavor and its ability to consistently adapt to new movements has made the fair a resounding success and in 1994 brought it a partnership with Swiss Bank Corporation as the main sponsor. Eight years into this partnership, Art Basel expanded to Miami Beach, where it was soon attracting tens of thousands of collectors to each session. And in 2013, Art Basel's expansion continued in Hong Kong, where it is now the leading art fair in the Asia-Pacific region.

The art world’s central platform

With high-profile galleries from all over the world and exclusive partnerships, including, since 1994, a partnership with Swiss Bank Corporation, Art Basel has continued to build its reputation, attracting media attention, art lovers and the general public....

The financial importance of the art fair is also growing. In addition to the tourist industry, new art events organized by young galleries also benefit from Art Basel’s high profile.

Art Basel, photographer Mina Monsef

Expansion to Art Unlimited

In 2000, UBS broadened its partnership to include the newly created exhibition platform, Art Unlimited, which offers artists the space they need for monumental artworks. A concept that was launched as an experiment quickly became established among the collector community, museum representatives and the general public.

Image source: Art Basel

Successful global expansion of Art Basel

Together with UBS, as global lead partner, Art Basel’s expansion events, to Miami Beach in 2002 and to Hong Kong in 2013, have been enormously successful. Within just a few years, both fairs have become established as leading art events in their respective regions.

Art Basel, photographer Martin Ruetschi

UBS as an art connoisseur and art collector

UBS’s commitment to Art Basel is based on our shared passion for art. Our predecessor banks had been amassing their own collections of contemporary art for decades. With more than 30,000 works, the UBS Art Collection is one of the most important corporate collections in the world.

Art Basel, photographer Tom Powel

In-depth annual analysis of the art market

In 2017, Art Basel and UBS launched the globally successful Art Market Report. This art market analysis, published annually by an external, world-renowned expert, is now an integral part of the art calendar.

Image source: Art Basel


Union Bank of Switzerland and Swiss Bank Corporation merge to form UBS

On the morning of 8 December 1997, Switzerland woke up to a news story that was remarkable and made headlines around the world: the two major Swiss banks, Union Bank of Switzerland and Swiss Bank Corporation, had announced that they were merging. The name of the new Swiss universal bank was UBS. As the press release said, the merger paved the way for the creation of one of the world’s leading financial services firms. UBS would go on to occupy a globally top-ranking position in its three core areas of business: private banking, institutional asset management and investment banking. With its leading position in the market for private and corporate clients in Switzerland, UBS had a very solid foundation on which to build further international expansion.

The two main architects of the new bank

Mathis Cabiallavetta (right) became Chairman of the Board of Directors at UBS. At Union Bank of Switzerland he had been President of the Group Executive Board since 1996. Marcel Ospel took over as CEO of UBS. He had held that position at Swiss Bank Corporation since 1996.

Keystone, photographer Martin Ruetschi

Chronology of the merger

The first merger talks took place in January 1997. By the end of November 1997, the main questions about the merger had been resolved. On 5 December 1997, the merger was approved by the Boards of Directors of both parties. Three days later, on 8 December 1997, the merger was announced....

tv news broadcast: Schweizer Fernsehen – Hauptausgabe der Tagesschau 08.12.1997 - Fusion von Bankgesellschaft (UBS) und Bankverein (SBV) zur UBS

The shareholders in Union Bank of Switzerland agreed to the proposed merger by an overwhelming majority at their Extraordinary General Meeting in Zurich on 3 February 1998. The next day, the same result was announced in Basel, where the shareholders in Swiss Bank Corporation voted at their Extraordinary General Meeting.

The merger took legal effect on 29 June 1998.

Image: Basel St. Jakobshalle, 4 February 1998

Share exchange

The shareholders of Union Bank of Switzerland and Swiss Bank Corporation were offered a share exchange. One bearer share from Union Bank of Switzerland was exchanged for five bearer shares in UBS, and one Union Bank of Switzerland registered share was exchanged for one registered share in UBS. For each Swiss Bank Corporation registered share, the shareholders received 1 1/13 registered shares in UBS....

UBS shares opened on the first day of trading, 29 June 1998, at a price of CHF 552. That put the market value of UBS at CHF 118.3 billion.

tv news boradcast: Schweizer Fernsehen – Hauptausgabe der Tagesschau 26.06.1998 - Fusion UBS-Bankverein (SBV) wird vollzogen

Key figures for UBS AG in 1998

Head office: Basel and Zurich...

Total invested assets: CHF 1,572 billion

Workforce: 48,011 in Switzerland: 32,706 internationally: 15,305

Around 400 branches in Switzerland and 78 branch offices and subsidiaries outside Switzerland


The young UBS is listed on the New York Stock Exchange

The integration costs arising from the merger, and the setback due to the collapse of the large Long-Term Capital Management hedge fund, resulted in a disappointing first financial year. However, by the end of 1999 the wind was already changing to a more positive direction, and UBS was able to look to the future with optimism. In 2000, UBS announced stable financial results for the first time. And on 16 May 2000, UBS had its global registered shares listed on the New York Stock Exchange, which paved the way, two months later, for the merger with the long-established US asset management company PaineWebber Group Inc.

Commemorative medal

Tuesday 16 May 2000 was a historic day for Switzerland’s leading bank, because the listing brought the firm closer to its strategic vision of being a global financial services provider.

Commemorative medal

The reverse of the commemorative medal shows the New York Stock Exchange building at 11 Wall St., New York, USA.

UBS shares are listed on the New York Stock Exchange

When UBS listed its shares on the New York Stock Exchange in May 2000, it emphasized that its aim was to accelerate the expansion of its business in the USA....

Photo: Marcel Ospel, right, CEO of UBS AG, gets a congratulatory handshake from New York Stock Exchange Chairman Richard Grasso as shares of the bank begin trading on exchange Tuesday May 16, 2000.

Keystone, photographer Richard Drew


UBS takes over US asset manager PaineWebber

On 12 July 2000, UBS and the US’s fourth-largest asset management company, PaineWebber Group Inc., announced that they would be merging at the end of November. Because the two firms operated in complementary areas of business, the alliance was equally attractive to both parties. Firstly, taking over PaineWebber would open the door to the US investment market for UBS, and, secondly, it made UBS the world’s leading asset manager: in 1999 UBS was managing customer assets worth CHF 1,744 billion, while the assets managed by the American firm totaled CHF 794 billion. In return for their shares, Paine Webber shareholders could choose between cash and UBS shares, which were reissued for this deal and were quoted on the Swiss Stock Exchange on 3 November 2000. Following its integration in 2003, the UBS PaineWebber division was renamed UBS Wealth Management USA.

Opening the door to the US investment market

At the time of the merger, PaineWebber had 385 branches with more than 20,000 employees and 8500 financial advisors. That made PaineWebber the fourth-largest securities trader and asset manager in the US.

A powerhouse with global potential

PaineWebber was very successful with its Internet investment portal, Edge, which had more than 208,300 subscribers and was used to manage deposits totaling over USD 165 billion....

firm was also regarded as being particularly strong on customer care, equity, investment banking and transaction services. For that reason, PaineWebber had been seen in the international financial world for some time as a good candidate for a takeover. UBS acquired Paine Webber for USD 10.8 billion.

Still at the same address as PaineWebber, today’s UBS main office in New York at 1285 Avenue Of The Americas.

A distinctive growth strategy

Unlike its rivals, who were increasing the number of their customer advisers in order to serve a broader investing public, UBS Paine Webber focused on gaining a foothold in the upper market segments....

That area was seeing the highest growth rates in the US and worldwide. Taking over PaineWebber gave UBS a strong on-shore presence. At the same time, the proportion of foreign assets in the balance sheet total of UBS as a Swiss universal bank increased.

Photo: Marcel Ospel (l.) with Donald B. Marron, CEO of PaineWebber.

Keystone, photographer Stan Honda


Alinghi team wins the 31st America’s Cup with UBS sponsorship

Sunday 2 March 2003 saw an absolutely sensational event: not only did a sailing team from the Old Continent bring the America’s Cup to Europe for the first time in the 162-year history of the oldest trophy in international sport. Even more remarkably, the winning team came from the landlocked nation of Switzerland and achieved victory the first time it entered the race. This was the Alinghi team, founded in 1994 by Geneva-based entrepreneur, Ernesto Bertarelli. In 2001, UBS signed an exclusive sponsorship deal with Alinghi, and just two years later the Alinghi–UBS partnership entered the history books. In 2007, it repeated its success in Valencia, Spain, claiming the 32nd America’s Cup as its own and bringing the coveted ”Auld Mug” home.

A stroke of luck for a leading bank

With the historic victory in 2003, Alinghi-mania reached a peak all around the world....

The partnership between Alinghi and UBS became a textbook example of an effective sponsorship strategy: 2.9 billion people watching on TV saw the UBS logo on the sails of the Alinghi boat as it raced to victory.

Photo: Daniel Forster

Two logos unite Switzerland as a sailing nation

In the mid-2000s, the streets of Switzerland were dominated by baseball caps, rucksacks, lanyards and T-shirts bearing the logos of Alinghi and UBS.

Keystone, photographer Laurent Gillieron

Brand visibility redefined

In Switzerland, there was a wave of enthusiasm for the bank, and its logo on the Alinghi sails was seen again and again in newspapers and magazines and on TV broadcasts around the world....

By sponsoring Alinghi, UBS was able to add emotional appeal to its then core values of teamwork, motivation and commitment. This was emphasized in the slogan for its first global publicity campaign: You and us.


UBS gets sucked into the global financial crisis

In the years following the takeover of PaineWebber, UBS rapidly strengthened its position on the world's biggest financial market and in emerging economies. In 2006, the Group achieved the best results in its history, but the boom would come to an abrupt end in the summer of 2007. After nine successful years, in October 2007 the firm suffered a pre-tax loss of CHF 726 million. The trigger was a drastic real estate crisis in the US, resulting in a deteriorating situation on the sub-prime mortgage market. UBS’s structured investment products, which were based on this kind of real estate loan, were particularly badly hit. In total, UBS had to write off about CHF 50 billion – its entire equity. Trading difficulties were also increasing at other financial institutions. On 15 September 2008, the US investment bank Lehman Brothers filed for insolvency. The collapse of this long-established bank triggered a domino effect.

The real estate crisis in the US

The US real estate market was booming in the early 2000s, thanks to historically low interest rates and slack lending rules....

But in 2007 the real estate bubble burst because more and more homeowners could no longer service their mortgage payments and at the same time property prices started to slide.

Keystone, photographer Charlie Riedel

From crisis in the mortgage market to general financial crisis

The weakness in the mortgage market spread to the whole economy. Financial and insurance institutions worldwide were reporting losses because they had invested in securities that were based on sub-prime mortgages....

In the spring, the US Federal Reserve facilitated the takeover of the big US investment bank Bear Stearns by JP Morgan and so calmed the markets – temporarily. A few weeks later, the insurance giant AIG and the two big US mortgage providers Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac had to be nationalized in order to stabilize the real estate market.

On 15 September, the US investment bank Lehman Brothers filed for insolvency. The uncertainty in the financial sector brought the market for inter-bank loans practically to a standstill. Many countries launched extensive support programs to prop up the financial sector.

Our Times December 2008 – The staff magazine number 55, photo: Keystone


Saving UBS

On 16 October 2008, UBS reached an agreement with the Swiss government and the Swiss National Bank that enabled it significantly to reduce the risks on its balance sheet. As part of the solution, a fund would be set up by the Swiss National Bank to buy up illiquid securities held by UBS to the value of up to USD 60 billion, to reduce the pressure on UBS’s balance sheet. During 2007 and 2008, UBS succeeded in raising, in a number of stages, capital amounting to CHF 42.5 billion and so was able to keep its core capital ratio at between 10% and 12%. The main cause of the huge losses was the involvement by the Investment Bank, spurred on by ambitious growth targets, in US mortgage-backed securities and asset-backed securities.

A plan of action...

On 12 August 2008, UBS presented a plan of action (known as a remediation plan) to the Federal Banking Commission. In the light of the weaknesses that had been identified, the plan included various measures relating to strategy, corporate governance, risk management and control, financing, balance-sheet management, and remuneration.

... with a restructured business model ...

The new structure envisaged three business divisions that were managed as independent entities and had both enhanced scope for operational decision-making and increased accountability, with the goal of creating sustainable added value....

The Investment Bank and the US private client business were repositioned, while other business activities, such as the commodities business, real estate and securitization, and proprietary trading, were scaled back or given up altogether.

Link Annual Reports of UBS

… and a new leadership structure

During the summer, UBS overhauled its leadership structure and corporate governance, and there were a number of changes of personnel on the Group Executive Board....

The fact that shareholders were invited to no fewer than four General Meetings during the 2008 financial year shows just what an intense time this was for UBS. A record 6,454 shareholders took part in the first Extraordinary General Meeting, which was held in February and lasted over seven hours.

Our Times March 2008 – The staff magazine number 52, photographer Martin Rütschi


UBS launches the UBS Kids Cup, the most successful program for young talent in Swiss sport

In the 2022 season, the Swiss stars of athletics shone more brightly at international championships than ever before. UBS had laid the foundations for their unprecedented success on the medal table eleven years earlier, when, together with Swiss Athletics and the organizers of Weltklasse Zürich, it inaugurated the UBS Kids Cup, a program to encourage people all over Switzerland to get more exercise. Since the launch of this series of events, in which boys and girls compete in the disciplines of 60 m sprint, long jump and ball throwing, around 1.5 million children and young people have taken part. Many of them were spotted there as promising new talents and were supported from then on until they joined the ranks of potential medal winners. Click here to find out more about the program for young talent.

“UBS Kids Cup generation” celebrates its successes

Almost all the top Swiss athletes who won medals at the World Championships in the second half of the 2010’s had taken part at some time in the UBS Kids Cup series of events for young talent.

UBS Kids Cup, photographer Valeriano Di Domenico

Discovering talent and promoting sport for all

In order to get children and young people interested in sport in a fun way and at the same time discover new talent for the Swiss athletics squad, every year more than 1,000 UBS Kids Cup events are held all over the country, either as part of school sport or as competitions between clubs....

Many UBS employees are also involved at all the events as helpers.

UBS Kids Cup, photographer Valeriano Di Domenico

Just like the grown-ups

The children and young people who have got through the cantonal qualifying rounds are given the chance, two days after the “Weltklasse Zürich” athletics meeting, to test themselves in the Letzigrund stadium, just like their famous role models.

UBS Kids Cup, photographer Valeriano Di Domenico


2011 UBS embarks on Formula One sponsorship

Following its recovery after the financial crisis and the resulting far-reaching culture change, UBS wanted to reposition itself with sponsorship deals that demonstrated its renewed confidence. During the 2010 Grand Prix season, UBS decided to make a careful start by becoming a global sponsor for Formula One motor racing. One year later, UBS committed itself to top-flight motorsport, giving it a global brand presence at all races. In addition to boosting brand recognition and enhancing its image in growth regions, UBS also benefited from the media presence, from a high-profile platform for offering hospitality and from an increase in new business.

Partnership with Mercedes-AMG PETRONAS F1

Encouraged by the positive boost to its image and increased level of recognition, in 2017 UBS extended its sponsorship commitment by entering into a partnership with the Mercedes-AMG PETRONAS Formula One Team....

During the 2010s, the team won eight Constructors and seven Drivers world titles, making it the most successful Formula One team ever. Pictured is the Team Principal & CEO, Toto Wolff, with driver Lewis Hamilton.

Photo: Mercedes-AMG PETRONAS Formula One

Strong performances by the team

From 2013 onward, the British racing driver Lewis Hamilton, who had become the youngest world champion in Formula One history in 2008, won six championship titles for the Mercedes-AMG PETRONAS Formula One Team.

Photo: Mercedes-AMG PETRONAS Formula One

Tradition and passion

Shared values: in 2011, UBS entered into a sponsorship partnership with the prestigious Automobile Club de Monaco, the national governing body for motorsport in Monaco.

Photo: Mercedes-AMG PETRONAS Formula One

Raising our profile in Asia, too

With an increasingly strong market presence in China, UBS decided in 2011 to become the exclusive title sponsor of the Chinese Formula One Grand Prix....

In 2012, Mercedes-AMG PETRONAS Formula One Team Driver Nico Rosberg went on to achieve a breakthrough win at the UBS Chinese Grand Prix.

Photo: Mercedes-AMG PETRONAS Formula One

First and second place in the Drivers' Championship

Valtteri Bottas finishes the season in second place behind teammate and 2019 Formula 1 World Champion, Lewis Hamilton. Mercedes-AMG PETRONAS Formula One team wins the 2019 Constructors' Championship, with a total of 739 points.