Grant proposals are submitted and reviewed on a continuous basis. The Foundation Board meets twice a year (in the second and fourth quarter) to decide on the grant proposals that have successfully passed the evaluation process. These meetings are preceded by a processing time of about three months. We therefore recommend that you submit your proposal in good time, as grants will not be awarded in arrears. The Foundation Office will confirm the receipt of the proposal and inform the applicant of the estimated duration of the evaluation process.
Please send your proposal including application form and related attachments as PDF files to Please note that there is a 15 MB attachment size limit. However, larger files can be received in a WinZip format. For security reasons, documents cannot be submitted via file hosting or file sharing services such as iCloud, WeTransfer or Dropbox. All files must be sent directly as email attachments.
If you are unsure of whether you meet the criteria, please call or email for clarification before applying.
A grant proposal should present a comprehensive picture and contain all the essential information about the project and those involved. A project application usually includes on minimum a cover letter, the completed application form, a detailed project description, budget and financing plan. The specific documents and information that need to be submitted can be found in the application form for the relevant funding area.