How you can get involved

Team up to tackle educational inequality in the UK

Join our UK Education Giving Circle+

Our Giving Circle+ brings together philanthropists who want to work collaboratively to tackle educational inequality in the UK.

Giving Circle+ members co-fund initiatives associated with our UK Education Collective Portfolio and have access to an exclusive insight & learning program. Members are asked to donate a minimum of GBP 50,000 per year, to which UBS will add a 25% matching contribution**.

Support a partner organization

Make a donation to support one (or more) of our partner organizations through the UBS Optimus Foundation.

You can specify which portfolio organization you’d like to support, and in some circumstances the area of the UK where you would like your funding to have an impact*. UBS will add a 10% matching contribution** to make the impact of your donation go even further.

Contact Us

Image of Sarah Payne

Sarah Payne

UK Head of Social Impact and Philanthropy

Julia Molke

Senior Philanthropy Advisor

Liberty Simpson

Philanthropy Advisor

Nick Wright

Vice chair of Social Impact and Philanthropy