
Intelligent and innovative insights

UBS key4 insights

A completely new perspective on your finances

  • Make better financial decisions with our personalized analyses, tips, and quizzes – free of charge in your Mobile Banking app.

360° overview of your money

Track your expenses and understand your habits.

  • Preview your future account status
  • Compare monthly outgoings

Discover your money’s potential with our saving and investing tips.

See your saving and investment potential based on your account and card data:

  • Current savings at a glance
  • Investment ideas for your savings

Netflix, Spotify, etc. – manage all your subscriptions in one place and optimize the costs

  • Be informed immediately when the free trial period ends
  • Save money on subscriptions in the same category (e.g., music)

  • How often do you go shopping?
  • What do you spend your money on?

Test your knowledge of your habits.

Open UBS key4 banking now and get an overview of your finances

  1. Log in to the Mobile Banking App
  2. Scroll down to the UBS key4 insights section on the home screen
  3. Follow the instructions to activate UBS key4 insights
  1. Download Mobile Banking App
  2. Confirm your identity over a video call (with your ID or passport)
  3. Sign the contracts directly in the app
  4. Set up your login via the Access App
  5. Get started immediately

Scan the QR code and download the app: