
(For clients using Hong Kong registered mobile phone numbers only)
To assist the public in identifying SMS sender and prevent them from falling prey to phishing SMS, the Hong Kong Office of the Communications Authority, the Hong Kong Monetary Authority, the Hong Kong Police Force, the Hong Kong Association of Banks and the telecommunications industry have established the “SMS Sender Registration Scheme” ("Scheme"). Under the Scheme, only registered organisations are able to send SMS to local subscribers of mobile services in Hong Kong using their Registered SMS Sender IDs with prefix "#". As such, you can easily identify whether an SMS is received from a registered sender by the prefix “#” in the SMS sender ID.

UBS is a participant in the Scheme. From now, the sender address of one-time SMS sent by UBS to clients using Hong Kong registered mobile phone numbers will be replaced as #UBS as the Registered SMS Sender ID.

Please note that the Scheme is not appliable to:
1. SMS messages of which receiving parties are expected to reply to the senders via phone numbers (2-way SMS) ; or
2. Local subscribers of Single-Card-Multiple-Numbers/One-Card-Two-Numbers mobile service provided by non-Hong Kong operators.


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If you receive SMS alerts or notifications that you have not initiated or authorized, please call our support.

Monday - Friday: 9am – 5:30pm

Hong Kong: +852-2971-8956

Singapore: +65-6495-4705

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