Pension, lump sum or a mix?

Find the best option for your retirement.

Your options for withdrawing pension capital from pillar 2


Capital withdrawal for more flexibility

The freedom to use your pension capital.

Pension payments for more security

Receive a secure monthly income.


A mix of pension and capital

Combine the best of both options.

Pension or lump sum? A brief explanation

Frequently asked questions

Arrange a consultation

With the UBS Pension Plan, our specialists will work with you to draw up a concrete plan of action and answer all your questions about retirement, including:

  • How do I secure my current standard of living?
  • Should I opt for a pension, the full lump sum or a mix of both?
  • How can I optimize the taxes payable when I withdraw my retirement savings?

The latest news on retirement planning

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  • Curated quarterly by pension experts
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