Collecting KeyClub points

Here's how to collect points with your credit and prepaid cards

Collect points with your card


With standard / classic cards

  • Collect 2 KeyClub points per CHF 1,000 spent (0.2%)


Applies to the following cards:
UBS Classic/Standard credit card, UBS Classic virtual credit card, UBS key4 standard card, Special Edition credit card or prepaid card/UBS key4 prepaid card.

With Gold cards

  • Collect 4 KeyClub points per CHF 1,000 spent (0.4%)


Applies to the following cards:
UBS Gold credit card, UBS Gold virtual credit card or UBS key4 premium card.

With Platinum cards

  • Collect 6 KeyClub points per CHF 1,000 spent (0.6%)


Applies to the following cards:
UBS Platinum credit card or UBS Platinum virtual credit card.

Collect even more points

Points as a welcome gift

  • 50 KeyClub points for adults when they open a UBS key4 banking package
  • 50 KeyClub points for young adults and students who open a banking package (UBS me or UBS key4 banking)
  • 250 KeyClub points* when you take out a mortgage and name the person who referred you
  • 250 KeyClub points* when you sign up for a pension plan and name the person who referred you

* 1 KeyClub point = CHF 1. Applies cumulatively: if a new client concludes a mortgage and a pension plan, the new client receives 500 KeyClub points.

KeyClub points calculator

Calculate the number of points you can collect per year based on your UBS banking package and credit card.

Cards & KeyClub newsletter

Subscribe to the KeyClub newsletter and reap the rewards.

  • New KeyClub offers and promotions
  • Tips on your cards and contests
  • Monthly and free of charge