Your path to owning your own home

Useful information on the way to your dream home

Is owning my home the right option for me?

When you own your home you decide for yourself whether you want colored walls, flower beds in the garden or a new kitchen. In addition, there is no risk of being forced to move out or of the rent increasing, and residential property can also be an attractive investment.

A simple rule of thumb helps to assess whether you can afford your dream home. If the property costs no more than five times your annual gross income and you can finance 20% of the property's value through freely available own funds, you should be in a position to buy.

Find the right property

Finding the right property is not easy. You should ask yourself what your current and future living needs are. Of course, it's not only the property itself that's important, but also the location. Our checklist helps you to clarify what's important to you.

You can find further tips on buying a property in our magazine.

Which mortgage strategy is right for me?

Find out by answering a few questions which mortgage strategy is best for you. The choice of one mortgage strategy over another is determined by your personal situation, preference, and factors like down payment, monthly income, and regular expenses. 

Your choice: one bank, several options

  • UBS mortgages are financed by UBS and offer you complete flexibility.
  • With UBS key4 mortgages, we give you access to offers from verified Swiss providers.

Ready for your new mortgage?

Arrange a consultation

Talk to our regionally-based mortgage experts.

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Find out whether you can afford your dream property.

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Get a non-binding quote with UBS key4 mortgages right away.

Optimally prepared for a personal consultation

Have you found your dream home? Congratulations! Now it's time to prepare all the important documents and firm up the financing. But don't worry, you don't need everything right at the start and our advisors will be happy to help you.

    If you would like to discuss a specific property in a personal consultation, you will ideally already have the following documents at hand:

    • Proof of income and assets (tax return, pension assets, inheritance contract, etc.)
    • Documents on the property (sales documentation, construction/floor plans, land register extract or contract of sale)

    What’s next for mortgage interest rates?

    Our interest rate forecast gives you information each month on current interest rates and interest rate trends – free of charge by email.

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