Instant payment

Transfer in real time, around the clock, 365 days a year

Instant payment is recognized for its speed and immediate execution around the clock, 7 days a week, 365 days a year: The payer’s account is usually debited immediately, and the funds are made available on the beneficiary’s account at the same time. UBS immediately displays confirmation of execution to the payer.

UBS will launch the instant payment feature over the course of July and August 2024, and most Swiss banks will be ready to receive instant payments when it is launched on 20 August 2024. If the recipient bank is not yet available, you’ll receive a message to this effect in online banking and will not be charged any fees.

Instant Payment

Benefits of instant payment

Immediately available

the beneficiary can usually access the money instantly.

Always up to date

the account balance of both parties is updated in real time.


lower credit risk, debiting and crediting happen at the same time.