Vested benefits account

Park your pension fund assets safely and with the option to invest

The vested benefits account at a glance

Tax-free safekeeping

Assets, interest and capital earnings are tax-exempt until withdrawal.

Park your money safely

Should you take a career break, change jobs or move abroad.

Higher potential returns

Invest your retirement savings with no minimum deposit.

High security for your capital

When you stop working in Switzerland or take a career break, the savings in your occupational pension plan cannot be transferred to a new pension fund. However, neither can they stay with your previous pension fund. Your pillar 2 assets are parked safely in a vested benefits account.

  • Higher potential returns with UBS Vitainvest Investment Funds
  • Monies from pillar 2 can be used to finance owner-occupied property
  • Account maintenance fees of just CHF 3 a month (first two months free of charge), interest credited annually, no notice periods

Invest with our investment plan

By investing your capital in Vitainvest sustainable investment funds, you benefit from higher potential earnings in the long run compared with a vested benefits account. You can invest all of the money at once or in stages, depending on your risk capacity and risk tolerance.

  • Free custody account management
  • No minimum deposit required
  • Invest in one or several investment funds

Open a vested benefit account in three steps

  1. 01

    Download the PDF form

    Open the form by clicking “Download form now.”

  2. 02

    Fill out the opening form

    Send the completed and signed form to your existing vested benefits foundation or pension fund.

  3. 03

    Use the account

    Your pension fund or vested benefits foundation will prepare a termination settlement and transfer your assets to the UBS vested benefits foundation.*

    * You will receive a letter with your account number to confirm that the payment has been received.

Add investment option into your vested benefit asset


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