Vested benefits custody account

Invest your pension fund assets and increase your potential returns

Your benefits with the vested benefits custody account

No minimum deposit

Invest as much or as little as you want.

Higher potential returns

Benefit from developments on the financial market.

Flexible terms

You decide on the investment period.

Invest with our investment plan

Our Investment plan UBS Vested Benefits Account allows you to regularly invest a fixed amount from your UBS Vested Benefits Account in UBS Vitainvest Investment Funds. You can tailor the investment amounts and period to your own preferences. This reduces the risk of investing at an unfavorable moment.

  • Free custody account management
  • Free purchase and sale of shares
  • Flexibility when you retire – actively managed fund shares can be transferred free of charge to a UBS Securities Custody Account
  • Staggered investment in sustainable Vitainvest investment funds

Invest in three steps

Please note: To activate the investment plan or make one-time investments you require a vested benefits account and an up-to-date risk notice.(PDF, 315 KB)


Download the form

Decide whether to make a one-time investment or invest stagger with the investment plan.


Set the amount

Determine the amount you want to invest and send the signed form to the vested benefits foundation.


Start investing

We’ll notify you as soon as we receive the form and confirm your order.

Vitainvest sustainable investement funds

With the UBS Vitainvest Investment Funds you can choose between different investment funds with a focus on sustainability. Your choice of fund will depend on your personal investment strategy and risk tolerance. You can also invest your money in several investment funds.


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