Investment calculator

How your investments grow over time

The key to building long-term wealth is to invest your money over a period of years. Calculate quickly and easily how your returns could grow compared with a conventional savings account.

How much do you want to deposit at the beginning?
How much do you want to save each month?
How long do you want to save?
Annual value appreciation


Note on value appreciation: Higher expected annual returns are accompanied by higher expected annual fluctuations.

Value of your investment
Value after inflation
Savings period

Lay a solid foundation

Select strategy funds as the basis of your investment portfolio.

Delegate decisions

We implement your strategy for you – so you can sit back and relax.

Invest sustainably

Help the environment and contribute positively to society, without foregoing good returns.

Know your money is in safe hands

Invest with UBS and decide how much advice you want from us and what decisions you’d rather make yourself. We look forward to assisting you

  • Investment strategy development
  • Suitable investment selection
  • Portfolio monitoring