
  • When you change employers, you also switch to a new pension fund.
  • To transfer the credit, inform your previous pension fund of your new one using the form.
  • You may only reach the full level of benefits with the new fund by making buy-ins.
  • Before changing jobs, check the regulations of the potential new employer’s fund.
  • To the conclusion
Woman looking at smartphone in park

The pension fund is the second pillar within the three-pillar concept of Swiss retirement planning. As mandatory occupational pension provision, its main purpose together with the first pillar is to secure an adequate standard of living after retirement. The contributions are automatically deducted from your salary every month.

How is my balance transferred to the new pension fund?

A new job also means a new pension fund. In the future, contributions will be paid into the new employer’s pension fund. Registration is carried out by the new employer, as they are responsible for transferring the relevant salary deductions to the fund.

Until you changed jobs, your previous employer took care of your pension fund contributions. Their transfers end when you officially leave the company. The law requires that the money saved, also called vested benefits, must be transferred to the new occupational pension institution. This does not happen automatically but requires action from you. We show you what to do.

How do I proceed when I change jobs?

A new job entails the obligation to transfer your vested benefits from your previous pension fund to the new one. This is stipulated by the Federal Law on the Free Movement of Occupational Retirement, Survivors’ and Disability Pension Plans.

Transfer your pension fund assets

When changing from one employer to another, obtain the appropriate form from your previous pension fund. Provide the name and address of the new pension fund on this form. Your new employer will report this data to the previous pension fund. It will then calculate the termination benefits, i.e., vested benefits, and usually transfer them to the new pension fund within 30 days.

The new pension fund lists this payment on your pension fund statement, which you receive regularly.

What happens if I do nothing?

If your previous pension fund does not know where to transfer your assets, they will usually end up in a vested benefits account with the Substitute Occupational Benefit Institution. Depending on the pension fund, the vested benefits are transferred between 6 and a maximum of 24 months later.

This also happens if you do not switch directly to a new job and do not inform your previous pension fund of a vested benefits institution to which the balance should be transferred.

What do I need to consider when changing pension funds?

Changing pension funds is not a particularly complicated matter. You should still pay attention to some particularities – before and after changing jobs, as well as when transitioning to self-employment.

How much tax is due on withdrawals from pillar 3a?

When your pillar 3a savings are paid out, they will be taxed separately from your income at a reduced rate. Find out how much tax you need to pay.


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Every time you change jobs, the balance in one pension fund must be transferred to another. For the process to run smoothly, you should still pay attention to this seemingly simple topic. It is also an opportunity to address the question of whether you should close a gap in your occupational pension provision.

Good to know
