Pensions and home ownership

Find out how you can use your pension capital for home ownership.

Finance your home with your retirement savings


Pillar 2 or 3

Use your private or occupational pension capital to finance home ownership.

Early withdrawal or pledge

Withdraw private retirement capital and pension fund money early for financing purposes or pledge it to the bank to secure the mortgage loan.


Direct or indirect amortization

The right mortgage strategy includes the right method of amortization: directly to reduce the mortgage debt annually or indirectly with the annual 3a deposit.

How can you use your retirement savings to buy a property? We explain below

Frequently asked questions

Arrange a consultation

Discuss with our specialists how you can finance your dream property or renovation with your retirement savings. Get answers to questions such as:

  • Which type of financing is suitable for me: withdrawal or pledge?
  • What will my pension look like following the withdrawal?
  • How does indirect amortization work?

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