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The 1st pillar ensures your basic subsistence needs: The 1st pillar is mandatory for all persons resident or employed in Switzerland. It serves to secure your livelihood in old age, insures you in the event of disability and provides security for your surviving dependents in the event of death.
The 2nd pillar ensures an adequate standard of living: Occupational pensions are mandatory for all employees with an annual income of CHF 22,680 or more (2025). The 2nd pillar is intended to ensure the usual standard of living. Together with the 1st pillar, it should cover 60 to 70 percent of your last salary. Anything beyond that must be covered by private provision.
The 3rd pillar closes your pension gap: The 1st and 2nd pillars are usually not enough to maintain the usual standard of living in old age. The 3rd pillar closes this gap. The deposits are voluntary, but you can benefit from tax advantages.
Salary components over CHF 136,080 (as of 2025) can be insured in 1e plans. Unlike traditional pension fund solutions, insured persons with a 1e solution can decide for themselves in which investment strategy their pension assets should be invested. They thus benefit from potentially higher returns, but also have to bear any losses themselves. Upon retirement, the pension fund assets are paid out as a lump sum.
Partial relief of pension liabilities on the balance sheet (booking under IFRS or US-GAAP)
No joint liability with other affiliated companies
Increased attractiveness as an employer
Individual choice of attractive investment strategies according to the investor profile
Protection against redistribution
Lump-sum withdrawal on retirement
Please select the profile that applies to you:
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