Approving contract documents

Step 1:
Open user administration

Changes made by one administrator in user administration must be released by a second administrator.

Open user administration in e-banking via "Administration > User administration" and click "Approvals".

Step 2:
Select the authorized user

Displays all authorized users with contract documents pending release.

Click the desired authorized user.

Step 2: Select the authorized user

Step 3:
Check the documents

Click the icon to open the listed contract documents and check whether the authorizations have been entered correctly.

Step 3: Check the documents

Step 4:
Approve the documents

Select the checked contract documents in the "Check & select" column and click "Approve". Click "Approve" once again to confirm.

If you do not approve of the changes, contact the person who entered them for clarification or click "Discard".

Step 4: Approve the documents

Step 5:
Documents are activated

The contract documents have been signed electronically and activated. The assigned access authorizations are immediately available.

If necessary, you can print out the released contract documents or download them as a PDF for your files.

Step 5: Documents are activated

Step 6:
Approve more documents

If you want to approve more contract documents, select the next authorized user from the menu on the left and repeat the above procedure.

Step 6: Approve more documents