Order a means of access
Step 1:
Open user administration
Step 1:
Open user administration
Open user administration in e-banking via "Administration > User administration" and click on "Contract and means of access" in the left navigation area.
Step 2:
Select authorized user
Step 2:
Select authorized user
In the upper left-hand corner, select the authorized user for which you want to order a means of access.
Step 3:
Select means of access
Step 3:
Select means of access
You can order Access Cards, card reader or Access Keys for accessing e-banking.
If the authorized user needs an Access Card Display, for example, select the corresponding entry under "Order Access Card".
Step 4:
Confirm order
Step 4:
Confirm order
Confirm the order by clicking "Order Access Card Display".
Step 5:
Means of access is being delivered
Step 5:
Means of access is being delivered
The Access Card Display will now be ordered and sent to the authorized user by post.
Note: The means of access will only be sent when the contract is in the status "released and active".